Cover Photo by Kaboompics .com
When I was in Little League baseball, I had a buddy named Nick, whose stepdad taught me the concept of doing less to achieve more in my swing. The boxer Saul "Canelo" Alvarez made considerable leaps in his defense by changing from elusive upper body movements to quick small movements of only his head. This principle of doing less to achieve more is a theme I keep running into at work.
If anyone is guilty of writing marathon emails, it's me. I'm someone who actually enjoys writing these blogs every day because the written word is how I feel most seen and expressed. The issue is most people don't care about 80% of what I'm saying and always want the tl;dr version. Learning to be short has taken a tremendous amount of energy and countless re-iterations; however, the rewards have been priceless. This journey has made me realize that sometimes I don't even know what I'm trying to communicate. When I meditate and reiterate and refine the message I want to deliver, my words come from a place of full authenticity and alignment, and that brings power. When I meet someone who's yes simply means yes and no means no, I feel trust with them. No more words are needed. That is power.
Less is more, and sometimes it takes more to make less, but that journey is a powerful one that brings meaning to all words spoken.